
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2010

Suspensión de comercialización la Sibutramina

COMUNICACIÓN SOBRE RIESGOS DE MEDICAMENTOS PARA PROFESIONALES SANITARIOS Ref: 2010/01 21 de enero de 2010 NOTA INFORMATIVA SIBUTRAMINA (REDUCTIL®): SUSPENSIÓN CAUTELAR DE COMERCIALIZACIÓN Como continuación de la nota informativa 2009/13 , la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) comunica a los profesionales sanitarios que se ha tomado la decisión de suspender la comercialización de sibutramina, disponible en España con el nombre comercial Reductil® . Tras la revisión de los resultados preliminares del estudio SCOUT (Sibutramine Cardiovascular OUTcome trial) y los datos disponibles sobre la eficacia de sibutramina, el Comité de Medicamentos de Uso Humano ...

International Expert Committee Report on the Role of the A1C Assay in the Diagnosis of Diabetes

International Expert Committee Report on the Role of the A1C Assay in the Diagnosis of Diabetes THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERT COMMITTEE* An International Expert Committee with members appointed by the American Diabetes Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, and the International Diabetes Federation was convened in 2008 to consider the current and future means of diagnosing diabetes in nonpregnant individuals. The report of the International Expert Committee represents the consensus view of its members and not necessarily the view of the organizations that appointed them. The International Expert Committee hopes that its report will serve as a stimulus to the international community and professional organizations to consider the use of the A1C assay for the diagnosis of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease characterized by abnormal metabolism, most notably hyperglycemia, and an associated heightened risk for relatively specific long-term complications affecting the eyes,...